Entangled Mind Explores Vibrant New Territories in 'Lucid Living'

Article Contributed by gratefulweb | Published on Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Entangled Mind, the creative moniker of Boston-based producer and musician Marissa Barbato, is thrilled to announce the release of their eagerly anticipated album, "Lucid Living". A vibrant exploration of psychedelic bass and downtempo, "Lucid Living" marks a bold departure from the introspective tones of their debut album, "Eternal Motion" (2021), steering listeners through an immersive journey brimming with dynamism, joy, and intricate soundscapes.

Unlike its predecessor's introspective and melancholic vibes, "Lucid Living" exudes confidence as it navigates through an expansive auditory experience, characterized by its peculiar intricacies and harmonious fusion of organic instrumentation and cutting-edge electronic production. Entangled Mind's multifaceted approach to music-making is showcased through their adeptness in playing a wide array of instruments - including guitar, synths, handpan, bass, djembe, and shakers - coupled with an abundance of field recordings, offering a deeply personal and enriching soundscape.

The album stands as a testament to boundless creativity and expressive potential, encapsulating the essence of living more lucidly in our ever-evolving, interconnected world. "Lucid Living" also highlights the power of collaboration, featuring contributions from a diverse group of musicians and producers, each bringing their unique talents to the table, thereby enriching the album's auditory palette.

Notable collaborations include:

    Amy Naylor (UK): Musician, songwriter, and world touring handpan player and teacher.
    Pete Callard (UK): Guitarist and Shpongle collaborator, playing nylon guitar on "Feral Noodle".
    Matthew Rennick (Nashville, TN): Violinist and member of Sicard Hollow.
    Eric Fraser (Hudson, NY): Renowned bansuri flute artist.
    Janeth Gonda (Colombian-born, Brooklyn resident): Flute, synth & vocals on "Breakthrough", vocals on "Feral Noodle".
    Delgira (Brooklyn, NY): Co-writer of "Creation", vocalist and musician.
    Xenolinguist (Denver, CO): Electronic producer.
    R!llo (Dallas, TX): Multi-instrumentalist, playing didgeridoo on "Orbit" and tablas on "A Sunny Spot".
    BioKoi (Boston, MA): Electronic producer of the original version of "Eastern Lasers".
    Mattie Rosi (Buffalo, NY): Flute on "Ossicle".

Through "Lucid Living", Entangled Mind not only explores new sonic territories but also embarks on a journey of self-discovery and communal connection. Each track is a standalone masterpiece, yet collectively, they weave a cohesive narrative that is both fulfilling and thought-provoking.

About Entangled Mind

Marissa Barbato, known artistically as Entangled Mind, is a Boston-based producer and lifelong musician. Merging organic instrumentation with masterful electronic production, Barbato harnesses sound to foster connections among listeners. Known for their intuitive phrasing, complex layering, and meticulous arrangements, they transform recordings and crafted sounds into poignant expressions of tension and release. On stage, Entangled Mind's performances transcend mere musical sets, becoming captivating narrative experiences that engage audiences in deeply personal journeys.

"Lucid Living" will be available April 30th, 2024 on all major streaming platforms. Join Entangled Mind in this luminous exploration of sound and emotion, and discover what it means to live lucidly in a world where we are all intricately connected.