July 2008

With more than just crowd pleasers at Seattle's WaMu Theater, Gov't Mule and Ratdog co-headlined a fine show!  Arguably an unlikely tour duo, Bob Weir and Warren Haynes delighted Seattle with this second stop on their Summer tour.

Here are just a couple highlights I took home from the industrial, cavernous, nouveau concert hall:

"Excuse me sir, can I help you find something?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Well which seats are you supposed to be in?"

"Seats? What do you mean?"

"This is the reserved seating section, you have to have a special ticket to sit down here."

"Oh, no problem. I'm not going to sit, I'm here to take pictures of the band."


Next week, Mickey Hart will make an historic appearance at the 10,000 Lakes Festival. This will be the first year that two founding members of the Grateful Dead will be on the same bill, though they will play on different days.