
Julia “Girl” Dreyer Brigden has published her memoirs of life as an untethered youth running around the Haight-Ashbury days of the ’60s in San Francisco.  Her stories traverse the globe from being born in South Africa to trading for a manufactured ‘around the world’ ticket that got her from Istanbul to Toyko, to Europe and back to the tour bus with her then-husband, David Freiberg ( Quicksilver Messenger Service /Jefferson Airplane/ Jefferson Starship).  In this delightful read, she examines her journey through the lens of written tradi

Garcia Birthday Band Live From Eugene Oregon - 9:30pm Pacific Time -  Stream provided by Grant Truax

Live streaming video by Ustream

Mill Valley’s Sweetwater Music Hall is one of Marin County, California’s select venues that is keeping the classic bay area jam-rock community connected. Many recall that Marin County was where every member of Grateful Dead had migrated to by the early 1970s for much needed solitude and separation from their iconized significance as the rock titans of Haight/Ashbury.

In celebration of the Rolling Stones’ 50th anniversary, the eBook People are publishing a 2-part, 2000-page electronic publication, providing the most thorough fans with the most thorough documentation of this iconic band’s dense history.  It is entitled The Rolling Stones: Views from the Inside, Views from the Outside; currently, the first part is available, and the second part will be released later in the fall.  Each part fo

There are those things they teach you in school about poetry, things like rhyme schemes and stresses and metrical feet. Things like sonnets and pastoral poetry and the epic. Regardless of all those rules and terms though, poetry can be one of the most free-form arts, allowing the writer to take on a poetic license, which is really to say that the author can do whatever he pleases.

Media shapes cultures shapes images shape persona. It’s the inescapable cycle that is the source of frustration for many within a society where news and advertising communicate what is news and what’s hot and what’s not. It is such anger and disgust with society that in part drive Letters to Kurt, a short, poetic epistolary book by Eric Erlandson, confounder and guitarist of 90s grunge band, Hole.

Hannah Field and her bongo bangin’ band recently released a fun new concept CD: music to be paired with food. Along with the CD comes a small vegan cookbook.

Original title: Comédia Infantil

Translated in Dutch: Comédia Infantil (also known as: Verteller van de wind)

Author: Henning Mankell


Marc Herremans, also known as Mad Max, is born on December 19 in 1973 in Merksem, Belgium-Flanders. He is a well-known triathlon athlete, who unfortunately became disabled after a dramatic fall during one of his training sessions in Lanzarote 2002. More information about Marc can be found on following website:  Don't forget to put on the sound when visiting this site.

Original title: Ten Little Niggers

Translated in Dutch: Tien Kleine Negertjes

Author: Agatha Christie


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