Article Contributed by Vicious Kid PR | Published on Wednesday, July 21, 2021

It’s a pleasure to announce that the indie folk rock trio, TEOA (The End of America) will be releasing their forthcoming single “Push Back” on July 30, 2021. The track is set to premiere with UNDER THE RADAR and we can't wait for it to be released!

Last month, TEOA released their track “I.F.H.”, which “was born out of pure therapeutic necessity”. While humorously letting go of their woes, the band hoped that their listeners could relate to their lyrics and accept that pain is a fundamental part of life.

TEOA fronted by James Downes, Trevor Leonard and Brendon Thomas have written numerous songs that shine a light onto important messages. Through continuously writing honest and deeply rooted songs they hope that their listeners will feel less alone and connected to the music. Band member, Downes, wrote “Push Back” in hopes that he may feel less alone whenever he belts this powerful tune in a crowded audience.

In Downes’ own words he writes his story behind “Push Back, “I had band practice in Newtown, CT on December 14, 2012. I’ll never forget standing on the front lawn of my drummer's house with my bandmates, watching in frightened awe as an endless train of first responders and news trucks blasted down the suburban streets.

Only a few hours later we heard the news, along with the rest of the world, about the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. It all happened less than a mile from where we stood. Being that close to unthinkable darkness leaves a boot tread on the brain.

“Push Back” will be included on TEOA’s highly anticipated LP “Night is Alive” due out September 17, 2021

I wrote "Push Back” eight years later, the sound of those sirens still branded into my memory. With lawmakers continuously offering nothing more than "thoughts and prayers," I was feeling nauseated by the insanity of American politics and its complete failure to pass any meaningful gun control legislation. I needed this song to pull me out and into a place where I could breathe again.

"Push Back" was written to feel good singing at the top of my lungs with a live audience. It's a comfort thing: the raised voices of the crowd shouting the very words that will ease my worries.

A song like this won't fix anything outright. It won't help us get the bad guys or bring back anyone we've lost, but in that brief moment that we're playing it live, I hope it makes us feel just a little more connected.”

“Push Back” will be included on TEOA’s highly anticipated LP “Night is Alive” due out September 17, 2021. So stay tuned for album release details and in the meantime keep updated with TEOA on their socials!


