July 2011

AgesandAges have been described as “big tent revivalists.” Some lump them into the cult category, alongside Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, as they have a sev

Clouds and a breeze. That’s all it took. Last night when I lay down I was sure that the heat would never break. Why should it? There wasn’t a cloud in the sky at 2AM and yet the heat hadn’t let lost on its grip of the weekend. The hope of a quick temperature change had no meteorological phenomenon left to hold onto.

I just stopped sweating. Never mind that the mercury boiled its way well beyond 100 degrees for the better part of the afternoon. Never mind that the humidity made me sweat through the same shirt over and over no matter how many times I hung it to dry. Never mind that I should be over hydrated, but have sweated out as much as I have taken in. I stopped sweating. Nevertheless, I’m getting ahead of myself.