Leftover Salmon

Leftover Salmon doesn’t have a lot of troubles. They’re a strong, long-lasting band that knows what it is to be professional, traveling musicians. Playing in Eureka Springs, Ark. during Hillberry 2, Leftover Salmon will surely bring the bluegrass…and the funk, and the Cajun, and the vast talent that’s been building over the last 26 years, including banjo player Andy Thorn.

In the wake of an awful set of circumstances, faced with the possibility of a non-existent fall music extravaganza, the fabulous folk of Deadhead Productions have again stepped up to the plate with their announcement of Hillberry 2: The Harvest Moon Festival.  Earlier this year we told you all about the 1st Hillberry Music Festival that occurred this August on the Farm outside Eureka Springs, Arkansas… well party people, get ready to do it all over again!

Chances are if you’ve been to a bluegrass festival the memories most prevalent are not so much that of the “scheduled” performers but more of the impromptu jams and unscheduled collaborations.  It’s with that spirit that the McCoury family decided to embark on a traveling bluegrass festival called The Bluegrass Ball.  In the past 3 years, The Bluegrass Ball has traveled across the country picking up multiple pickers and fans along the way. 

We are happy to announce new 2015-16 shows! New shows include fall tour dates that will visit the east coast, Florida, and Texas (with Chris Robinson Brotherhood). We are happy to return to the Boulder Theater for our annual Thanksgiving Celebration on November 27th and 28th. NYE sees us in Portland, OR at the Roseland Theater, followed by a two night run at the Crystal Bay Club on January 1st and 2nd. Tickets are on sale now.

Plans have been brewing for months, and now two Colorado-born craftsmen are tuned up and ready for a unique silver anniversary celebration. Rock/bluegrass band Leftover Salmon and Breckenridge Brewery have each enjoyed twenty-five years of success.

Both Leftover Salmon and Tarpestry are built in Colorado, and both have found their way into the hearts and homes of music lovers around the world. Tarpestry is proud to announce the release of its FIRST custom Tarpestry created for someone else, and we are ecstatic it is for Leftover Salmon!! There aren’t many Leftover Salmon “High Country” Tarpestry’s available, so grab yours now because they won’t last ‘till the end of festival season.

With red-clown noses in their hearts, and songs to fill the air, a few thousand caring, music-loving souls gathered to wish Wavy Gravy, America’s favorite psychedelic relic, a happy 79th birthday on May 17.

Colorado's Leftover Salmon Featuring Bill Payne of Little Feat have announced 2 additional performances, along with plans to webcast the Grateful Dead's "Fare Thee Well” July 3rd and 4th Chicago concerts, at Park West. This is in addition to their previously announced show at Park West on July 2nd.

This year slamgrass pioneers Leftover Salmon celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary. Beyond the musical splendor, a blend of Cajun, bluegrass, zydeco, and hard psychedelic rock, is a lovable raucousness. Their triumphant resurgence into fulltime touring has been strengthened by the presence of founding Little Feat pianist Bill Payne.

Last week Denver bluegrass fans were smitten by the presence of a seven-piece bluegrass super-group of some of our favorite musicians for a two night run at the Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom. Adam Aijala and Ben Kaufmann from Yonder Mountain String Band, Drew Emmitt and Andy Thorn from Leftover Salmon, Bridget Law and Bonnie Paine from Elephant Revival, and guitarist Larry Keel all shared the stage for a first tier, foot stomping picking party. Gipsy Moon opened on Friday night, bringing their soulful, eclectic sound to an upbeat collaboration.