North Mississippi Allstars

At 18 I moved to the deep south for school. But not until I was tripping over the shoelaces of 20 did I realize that not everyone down there liked me.

North Mississippi Allstars | Shake What Yo Mama Gave Ya | Fox Theater

Z2 Entertainment is proud to present North Mississippi Allstars and Missing Cats featuring John “JoJo” Hermann & Sherman Ewing at the Fox Theatre on Saturday, September 14th.

On September 8, 9, and 10, 2011, a prestigious assortment of the globe’s greatest musicians will gather for ELLNORA | The Guitar Festival, situated in the vibrant micro-urban setting of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. The biennial event provides an unparalleled mixed-genre experience that features performances from many of today’s most distinguished music-makers in a diverse array already being emulated by other festivals.

Luther Dickinson, one of Rolling Stone’s “new guitar gods,” has been selected to serve as artist-in-residence at ELLNORA | The Guitar Festival at Krannert Center in Urbana, Illinois, September 8-10, 2011.

Are you a fan of Delta Blues, Rock, or Jam?  Do you have an affinity for Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and a good live show?  If by now you haven’t heard of the North Mississippi All-Stars, please emerge from your cave this instant.

It may have been a weeknight, but I saw that as no reason to stay in.  Anytime of any day or night is a good time for rock and roll, but last Thursday was a particularly noteworthy occasion.  One of the most exciting guitarists around was in town at the Fox Theatre, and I wasn't about to miss him.  I'm talking about Luther Dickinson, shredder-extraordinaire of the North Mississippi Allstars, and more recently, of a little side project that

Last weekend I had the good fortune of attending the Mile High Music Festival in Denver, or more appropriately Commerce City, Colorado.  This year was the festival's inaugural year, and as far as I could tell, the affair went off without a hitch.  And I love festivals.  There is something savory about the vibe put off by people at a festival, something uniquely and honestly human.  Even though the weather is hot, even though there are lines for the bathroom, lines for food, lines to buy tee shirts, even

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