
Cut into: a girl walking in a dark city, alleyways lead her to, lanes shifting and digging back into, through and around small buildings of Dublin, crammed on twisted streets.  She arrives at an old movie theater the afternoon before she returns to America.

Pink Floyd Trivia – Round Two

Welcome to round two of Grateful Web's Pink Floyd trivia!

I'm going to keep with the three-answer format from the first game because no one emailed me and told me that the three-answer format sucked. So here it is again.

For professionals serving children with special needs, toys are your tools of your trade.  Much like a carpenter whose heart beats rapidly in a hardware store, therapists get that same feeling when they hear the click, ding and buzz of the toys as they enter a toy store.  A survey of therapist and other professionals serving children with special needs taken by the National Lekotek Center, a nonprofit dedicated to using toys and play as a way to fully include children into family and community life, found that 99% of therapy professionals felt toys were critically important or imp


Calvin breaths the haze

thinks about its engulfment.

What mask to wear

if all of the sudden the air waves clog.

Where will we all run for cover?


The afterlife does not disappoint.  I share a room in Hell with Gordon Liddy's mother, (not a bad gig if you don't mind mustached women on the "bony" side) a floor above Nixon, who, as is only fitting, is rooming with his mother.  They seem to get on quite well with each other and refuse to stop blaming JFK for the fact that they are here.  One of the few pleasures afforded me is the opportunity to remind them, as I pass en route to my afternoon torture session, that the sole reason I've taken up residence in this mindless dump is due to a technicality…  It seem

The Dam Mountain Jam is a new night of music that happens every Thursday at Cactus Jack's Saloon in downtown Evergreen, starting at 9:00.  It began as a few friends looking for an outlet for their songwriting and acoustic music, and has quickly grown into the best thing going in Evergreen - a crowd of friends and music lovers keeping things cozy, good beer and good vibes from the friendly folks at Jack's, and best of all, sweet music pouring from the stage all night long, from the simple and soulful to the rockin' and rowdy.

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