
International advocacy organization Global Citizen and voter registration organization HeadCount today announced a nonpartisan multi-year partnership to engage young Americans to check their status, register, and vote. Through their joint initiatives, Global Citizen and HeadCount will mobilize support from artists, entertainers, media, corporations, and nonprofit organizations, to give young Americans the tools to use their voice in the November 3, 2020 election and beyond.


It’s official: as of today, you can request your mail-in ballot for the November election from coast to coast.


At 6:30 PM EST on Sunday, July 12th, Down Home NC, Equality NC, Mijente, Poder NC, and RuralOrganizing.org will host a digital concert to launch a voter turnout campaign in the battleground state of North Carolina.

Donald Trump nominated fast food CEO Andrew Puzder to be Secretary of Labor. Puzder is hostile to workers, farmers, and the environment. If confirmed, he'd ensure that the interests of the fast food industry -- and its Big Ag suppliers -- would come before people and the planet.

Puzder is facing a tough confirmation fight in the Senate. His hearing has already been delayed four times. We have a real shot at stopping his confirmation -- but we need you to keep the pressure on your Senators to reject him!


Actor and activist George Takei has started a Care2 petition to gather support for the Muslim community and allow signers to speak out against Trump policies that would target them. Takei plans to deliver the petition signatures in person to the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and government officials as a show of support.


Today, in support of National Voter Registration Day, over 200 musicians, celebrities and comedians are participating in a social media and digital campaign organized by the non-partisan organization HeadCount to help register voters.