Tea Leaf Green

The buzz from the excited crowd anticipating two of the jam band's scene's most up and coming bands was fresh and impulsive. These are bands that have mostly broken through by their tediousness in touring and their successful musical appearances at major festivals such as Bonnaroo and Wakarusa.

JJGrey and Mofro guys can do no wrong in my mind. I've gotta admit I enjoy their more enthusiastic shows, some days JJ just is in a mellow kind of mood, but today did not disappoint in the least.  It might have had something to do with the fact that they hadn't played in three weeks, which Grey informed the audience early on.

The year that was 2005 was definitely the breakout year for San Francisco rock 'n' roll outfit Tea Leaf Green.  They released the very well-received studio project "Taught to Be Proud", which even earned them a Jammy award for Best Song of the Year, and garnered a huge fan base by spreading their sound through more than two-hundred performances.

We need not recap the 11 year history of this wondrous event, held for five years now at the Indian Lookout Country Club in Mariaville, NY.  We need no account of the heartfelt and soulful preparation put in by the original "Deadhead Heaven" promoters, Terrapin Tapes and Dupree's Diamond News, to commemorate the life and music of Jerry Garcia.  These details have been covered numerous times in other reports.  All we need is to be here

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