Outside Lands

Sporting muddy bare feet and a flowing tie-dyed sundress, a flaxen-haired teen pumped up Sunday’s physically drained crowd by waiving a satellite image of “our home from outer space.”  Reminding us that “this is where we live,” the angelic blonde implored us not to “throw your garbage on the ground, because that’s where the animals and the birds and the fish and the ocean live!”  Why sweat the details? She’s on the right track!

Mavis Staples

Bragging of Friday night’s extensive substance abuse while exposing their bare midriffs to the golden, mellow California sunshine, throngs of eager fans poured into Golden Gate Park for a Saturday morning encore.  Attendees threw back booze with gusto all throughout the day, padding promoters’ profit margins with $7 glasses of Heineken.


Past an array of rainbow tinted Victorians, countless psychedelic peddlers, and that iconic Haight-Ashbury intersection, a dusty footpath leads into the thousand acre site of 2011’s Outside Lands music festival: San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.  Attendees of the extravaganza, which returned to its full three-day incarnation following last year’s brief truncation, were treated to a genre blazing blend of rock, country, folk, blues, soul, dubstep, mashup, reggae, and everything caught in

“Hear ye, hear ye! From deadhead hippies to electro pop hipsters,” screeched the harlequin gliding on rainbow roller skates, “come one, come all.” And did they ever! Over 50,000 audiophiles packed into San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park for Outside Lands Festival to sample a delectable smorgasbord of rock immortals, indie stalwarts, and rookie sensations. Directions? No need, just follow that sweet, pungent aroma!

Day One of August 2009 Outside Lands Festival held in San Francisco in the Golden Gate Park Polo Fields kicked off the unparalleled music weekend with Pearl Jam headlining the bill. Pearl Jam is the only remaining Seattle grunge band from a scene so powerful in Washington State in the early 1990s that it swept across the entire nation and took over popular music.